Open data and platform integrations

Swiftly rethinks the way transit technology works by seamlessly connecting data across hardware and software platforms.

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Swiftly powers a flexible approach to transit technology

Swiftly makes transit data accessible in the cloud through open data standards and APIs, ensuring agencies can seamlessly integrate with best-in-class technology providers.


Products ensuring accessible data across hardware and software platforms

APC Connector

Connect your automated passenger counters directly to the internet for real-time crowding and easy-to-access historical data

Immediately send APC data to the industry’s most powerful cloud software

Avoid data pitfalls like occupancy drift and on/off imbalance by pushing APC counts directly to the industry’s smartest transit data platform

Simplify the process of accessing and analyzing passenger counts

Download data into Excel, Tableau, PowerBI, or whatever data software you use

Unlock real-time crowding information

Empower passengers, customer service, and operations with the most up-to-date information about vehicle crowding levels

Headsign Connector

Power your headsigns with accurate, real-time headsign information

Reliable headsign information

Leverages Swiftly’s world-class transit data engine to correctly handle the unexpected

Over-the-air updates

Forget thumb drives and slow serial connections, update headsign codes in a click over-the air

Free up operator time

Operators can focus on operating the vehicle, rather than punching in manual, error-prone headsign codes

AVAS Connector

Bring real-time information to your passengers through onboard audio and visual announcements

Meet ADA requirements for audio and visual announcements

Ensure audio and visually impaired passengers know when to disembark

Give all passengers access to the industry’s most accurate and reliable information onboard

With passenger information that is up to 30% more accurate your passengers will always have the latest access

Access automated announcements without a CAD/AVL system

Avoid expensive, hard to maintain, and interdependent CAD/AVL systems by separating out your announcement system

Our partners


Swiftly connects the entire transit ecosystem to the industry’s most powerful data engine.

Connect with passengers

Connect with vehicles

Swiftly Connected Transit PlatformTM

Connect with staff

Connect with partners

Connect with passengers
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Improve information reliability for passengers. Learn More
Connect with
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Share Swiftly data throughout the transit ecosystem. Learn More
Connect with
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Increase the efficiency of daily operations and planning. Learn More
Connect with passengers
Improve information reliability for passengers. Learn More
Connect with staff
Increase the efficiency of daily operations and planning. Learn More
Connect with partners
Share Swiftly data throughout the transit ecosystem. Learn More

Swiftly connects the entire transit ecosystem to the industry’s most powerful data engine.

Connect with passengers

Connect with vehicles

Swiftly Connected Transit PlatformTM

Connect with staff

Connect with partners

Connect with passengers
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Improve information reliability for passengers. Learn More
Connect with staff
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Increase the efficiency of daily operations and planning. Learn More
Connect with partners
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Share Swiftly data throughout the transit ecosystem. Learn More

Swiftly enables a cloud-native transit data approach

Software, free of hardware

Swiftly allows you to separate your transit software from your onboard hardware. Fine-tune your software tools without the need to rip and replace hardware from your entire vehicle fleet.

Built on a philosophy of open data

Swiftly has partnered with a coalition of like-minded partners who have committed to common data standards and cross-vendor compatibility.

Made for the future

Swiftly’s cloud infrastructure and subscription model simplify how you build your transit data stack. Choose only the products you need, access them from anywhere, and use them with the hardware of your choice.

Proactively manage your public transit network

Real-time passenger information

Best-in-class vehicle predictions that leverage real-time disruption information, paired with optional rider alerts

Best-in-class vehicle predictions

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Performance insights

Historical trends that support smart decision-making, build consensus, and improve the rider experience across the agency

Historical trends that support smart decision-making

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Swiftly Transit Data Platform

Proactive operations

Dynamic real-time fleet visibility and management that allow everyone and everything to know what’s happening in the network

Dynamic real-time fleet visibility and management

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Integrations and APIs

Real-time data quality monitoring across existing systems, plus APIs and open data standards, drive permissionless innovation

Real-time data quality monitoring across existing systems, APIs and open data standards

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Getting started is easy

See how Swiftly can improve service reliability, passenger information, and operational efficiency at your agency with an in-depth demo.

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